Available courses

Course Overview

Ethics is not a skill you learn in class, but rather a mindset that guides decision making in all aspects of your job. This 2-hour online course is centered on real-world application of public safety ethics, theories and concepts designed for all professional levels of public safety. You will be provided with the ethical principles necessary to make the right decisions, at the right time, in the right way, and for the right reasons.

This on-line, fully interactive ethics course allows you to work through the course at your own pace. You can stop at any time and rejoin the course where you left off until completed.  When the course is completed, you can print a certificate of completion, fill out an F-6 and send to DPSST. 

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the
    management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

This course is FREE with an OEDI membership, or $99. A 20% discount group rate is also available.

Registration Form

16-hour online course

Course Overview

John C. Maxwell is a No. 1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker. Often called the No. 1 leadership authority, Maxwell was identified as the most popular leadership expert in the world. One of his book details 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. This training provides videos from Maxwell, who explains each law.

The focus with this training is equipping leaders with perspectives, tools, and practices to effectively navigate the current complexities of the teams, organizations, and communities in which they work. Each of the 21 laws contain many lessons to be learned and applied today in leadership. Our recommendation is that you invest 30-60 minutes per law, answer a few questions about that video, and apply lessons learned or key takeaways from the video applicable to you. Regarding those questions to answer after each video, you will be presented with four questions. Here are those questions:

  • Did you like the video?
  • What are the leadership lessons and key takeaways from the video?
  • What can you apply from the video relative to your current work?
  • What is at least one immediate action from the video that you can apply today?

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

David Rubenstein is a billionaire investor and philanthropist. He is the co-founder of The Carlyle Group private equity firm. He is a trustee of the World Economic Forum and Board of Deans Advisors of the Business School at Harvard, among other universities. He is also the original signer of The Giving Pledge. He is an American historian, author of How To Lead, and expert interviewer. As an interviewer he explores successful leadership through the personal and professional choices of the most influential people in business. Some of his interviews are captured in this course. This course combines his greatest interviews on leadership.

The focus of this training is equipping leaders with perspectives, tools, and practices to effectively navigate the current complexities of teams, organizations, and communities in which they work. Each interview contains many lessons to be learned and applied today in leadership. You will be presented with four questions after each interview. Those questions are:

  • Did you like the interview?
  • What are the leadership lessons and key takeaways from the interview?
  • What can you apply from the interview relative to your current work?
  • What is at least one immediate action from the interview that you can apply today?

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

This course is challenge  and scenario-based, requiring the application of critical thinking and problem-solving strategies.  As the course progresses you will evaluate a pandemic influenza case study in the context of a leadership approach in planning and preparing for a national or domestic catastrophic event.

The main learning objectives for this course are as follows:

  • You will be able to recognize and understand your leadership roles and responsibilities in significant events.
  • You will learn to integrate and synchronize agency responses through the Situational Leadership approach.
  • You will learn ways to be able to promote and provide emotional stability through the “Primal Leadership and Emotional Quotient” (EQ).
  • You will be able to recognize and provide greater focus on the needs of others before considering your own needs, through a servant leadership approach.
  • You will utilize the Leadership Assessment Profile process to analyze, compare, and rate leadership skills necessary to “do the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, and for the right reasons.”

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the management and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST.

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

This course blends theoretical models of leadership with real-world insights to explain how to effectively implement team strategies, rules, and practices that lead to exceptional outcomes for you, your team, organization, and community of stakeholders. Topics covered include: personal development, situational analysis, motivation, communication, conflict management, team development, culture, performance management, and the leader’s brand. These are often called “soft skills” and are just as often noted as the most important skills of leadership—and the most challenging competencies any leader can develop. Upon completion of this program, you will be able to:

  • Explain the differences of management and leadership and the importance of each.
  • Apply concepts from leadership theories to improve team and organizational outcomes.
  • Identify the personal and organizational values that drive leadership style.
  • Simplify complexity of situations to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders.
  • Establish a vision to enable continual improvement in times of change and constraints.
  • Recognize and explain influencing factors of a team and organizational culture.
  • Apply intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors to increase engagement and outcomes.
  • Overcome leadership issues and ethical dilemmas.
  • Define an oath of positive leadership and associated leader rules and practices.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the
    management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

3-hour online course

Course Overview

In today's rapidly evolving social landscape, the need for equitable public safety practices for certified officers is more pressing than ever. The Oregon Executive Development Institute presents this comprehensive 3-hour training designed to introduce participants to the fundamental principles of equity within the context of the public safety profession. This course aims to equip all certified public safety professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to promote fairness, inclusivity, and trust within their organizations and communities. Additionally, this three-hours course provides the training required to obtain and maintain certification for police, corrections, parole and probation, and liquor & cannabis regulatory specialists as detailed in ORS 181A.490

$150 for non-OEDI members and $100 for OEDI Members

16-hour online course

Course Overview

Do you recall the effectiveness of these leaders: Dwight Eisenhower, George Patton, Pat Summit, Colin Powell, John Wooden, and Phil Jackson? They all used situational leadership practices to achieve the highest levels of effectiveness.

Using situational leadership practices means the leader understands the (constant) need to adapt and adjust their style based on situational variables, which let’s face it, are many, and as the leadership name “situational” implies, are constantly in flux.

This training course details situational leadership and why it’s more important now than ever. The course content will provide examples of situational leadership, assessments that provide insights into our own leadership styles, details from researchers including Dr. Peter Northouse, and importantly, this training details how to use situational leadership practices to help make you as effective as possible.

If you are ready to improve your leadership, let’s start.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST.

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

This course blends theoretical models with real-world insights to explain the principles of followership and how it relates to everyday leadership. Specifically, topics covered include: defining followership; detailing what is needed to create higher levels of engagement of followers; the relationship between followership and leadership; and the results of higher levels of great followership. Some of this work will illustrate “hard skills” of management tactics, but most of the work will focus on the critical need of the “soft skills” of leadership.

Upon completion of this program, you will be able to:

  • Define followership.
  • Describe competencies and attributes of followers.
  • Outline the leader-follower relationship.
  • Identify characteristics of effective followership.
  • Interpret guidelines for followership in practice.
  • Develop strategies and actions that foster effective followership.
  • Review and reflect on your own leadership experiences and aspirations as a follower.
  • Assess followership among a team and apply best practices to maximize engagement and outcomes based on the situational context.
  • Create a clear vision of engagement to guide resources efficiently and effectively, including yourself.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the
    management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

Evan Carmichael has captured a series of videos outlining 10 Rules for Success. It is a great framework being provided by great leaders for all other leaders to learn from. With this foundation of video resources, 10 Rules for Success provides a great learning platform, for sure, but perhaps as importantly, a dose of inspiration relative to your work—the challenges you face, the goals you aim to accomplish, and the value you are providing employees and others you serve. 

The focus of this training is equipping leaders with perspectives, tools, and practices to effectively navigate the current complexities of the teams, organizations, and communities in which they work. Each 10 Rules for Success video contains many lessons to be learned and applied today in leadership. Our recommendation is that you invest an hour each day in this training course; watch one video per day, answer a few questions about that video, and apply lessons learned or key takeaways from the video applicable to you.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the
    management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST.

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

This course combines the greatest Google Talks on leadership with critical perspectives on personal development. The focus: equipping leaders with perspectives, tools, and practices to effectively navigate the current complexities of the teams, organizations, and communities in which they work. Each Google Talk contains many lessons to be learned and applied today in leadership. You will be presented with four questions after each video. Those questions are:

  • Did you like the Google Talk?
  • What are the leadership lessons and key takeaways from the video?
  • What can you apply from the video relative to your current work?
  • What is at least one immediate action from the video that you can apply today?

The learning outcomes associated with this course are straightforward and align to questions you will answer after each video. At the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Share insights, best practices, and key takeaways about leadership from some of the greatest Google Talks in history.
  • Extrapolate those insights, best practices, and key takeaways into context pertinent for today’s leaders.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the
    management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

If you enjoy learning about leadership, you are going to enjoy this course. If you enjoy learning about leadership through the lens of great speeches, you are really going to enjoy this course. The course will advance your leadership development through some of the greatest speeches of all time. There are speeches from politicians, athletes, business moguls, poets, and more. Each is unique in context because of its time in history. Each, too, carries many lessons to be learned and applied today in leadership.

The learning outcomes associated with this course are straightforward and align to questions you will answer after each video. At the completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Share insights, best practices, and key takeaways about leadership from some of the greatest speeches in history.
  • Extrapolate those insights, best practices, and key takeaways into context pertinent for today’s leaders.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the
    management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that requires active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST.

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

This course combines the greatest TED Talks on leadership with critical perspectives on personal development. The focus: equipping leaders with perspectives, tools, and practices to effectively navigate the current complexities of teams, organizations, and communities in which they work. Each TED Talk carries many lessons to be learned and applied today in leadership. You will be presented with four questions after each video. Those questions are:

  • Did you like the TED Talk?
  • What are the leadership lessons and key takeaways from the video?
  • What can you apply from the video relative to your current work?
  • What is at least one immediate action from the video that you can apply today?

The learning outcomes associated with this course are straightforward and align to the questions you will answer after each video. At the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Share insights, best practices, and key takeaways about leadership from some of the greatest TED Talks in history.
  • Extrapolate those insights, best practices, and key takeaways into context pertinent for today’s leaders.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the
    management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

Course Overview

10-hour online course

Whether you are leading a police department or a for-profit organization, a specially trained group of people on the battlefield or in the boardroom, leaders are responsible for navigating the planned operational aspects of a team and a great number of unplanned issues, challenges, and crises that are more likely to arise than not—including natural disasters, failures in infrastructure, public health outbreaks, cybersecurity hacks, terrorist attacks, and a host of other risks that can quickly turn into emergencies. Are you prepared to lead effectively? Is your team ready to execute efficiently?

Being prepared for planned and unplanned work is the cornerstone of leadership effectiveness, team agility, and organizational resilience; and when it comes to crises, effective leadership is measured based on proper preparation, successful responses, and full recovery from extraordinary challenges. This course, Leading In Times Of Crisis, will help you and your team prepare, respond, and recover from an unexpected crisis.

This course blends theoretical models of leadership with real-world insights to explain how to effectively plan and implement crisis management strategies, processes, and practices that lead to exceptional outcomes for the leader, team, organization, and community of stakeholders. Topics covered include: the crisis management process; gathering and using facts and opinions; decision making; and tools that have been created from prior crises. Some of this work will illustrate “hard skills” of management, but most of the work will focus on the critical need of the “soft skills” of leadership.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

This online course is reserved for those attending OEDI's Annual Session


You have been accepted into the Oregon Executive Development Institute leadership academy.

Soon you will join peers, colleagues, and friends who share the same goal – to take their leadership to the next level. We look forward to seeing you in-person at the leadership academy and will work hard to ensure it is unlike training you have experienced in your career.

16-hour online course

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to help executives and decision-makers develop the skills necessary to make sound leadership decisions when preparing and planning for critical situations in their communities. This course covers a multitude of leadership theories from different perspectives designed to assist you in understanding and developing the skills necessary to navigate critical incidents and to be confident decision-makers.

This on-line, fully interactive leadership course allows you to work through the course at your own pace. You can stop at any time and rejoin the course where you left off. When the course is completed, you can print a certificate of completion, fill out an F-6 and send to DPSST.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the
    management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

What’s behind greatness? Tyler Waye is a work expert and knows the answer to this question. The answer is quite simple. The answer is teamwork. Take a listen to Tyler in the following short video.



This course is about teams and teamwork—how to design, develop, and sustain great teams. You will find the content to be grounded in management and leadership practices as well as other discipline theories from social sciences, behavioral psychology, economics, and human resources. Just like the content itself, coming from a variety of disciplines, it will be delivered through a variety of learning modes including reading activities, videos, personal reflection exercises, self-assessments, quizzes, and more.

This course is self-paced and learning is self-directed. It will take approximately sixteen (16) hours to complete the entire course.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the
    management- and executive-level professional.
  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members 

16-hour online course

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to help leaders and decision-makers develop the skills necessary to advance and maintain problem-oriented policing success in their communities. You will learn how to develop leadership and team-building relations; leadership strategies to establish community partnerships; leadership approaches in applying community policing strategies specific to your own community; and leadership steps required in helping others apply the SARA method of problem solving; and will develop a leadership plan of action to continue community-building and problem-solving work in your community.

Online Course Features

  • Interactive web-based training.
  • Centered on real-world application of leadership theories and concepts designed for the

management and executive-level professional.

  • Self-paced training that includes active participation in on-screen and off-screen activities.

Print a certificate of completion, fill out an F6 and send to DPSST

$249 for non-OEDI members and $199 for OEDI Members